Sunday, May 17, 2009

5/14- Good Bye Sweet Midge

We woke up on Thursday morning to a mostly happy, cheerful flock, but our dear Midge, was not doing well.  She seemed very dispondent and wouldn't eat or drink.  She seemed even more withdrawn than ever and I was very nervous that she wouldn't make it. And sadly, within an hour, she passed away.   The website we purchased her from has promised a refund, but we really just want our sweet baby Midge back.  We buried her under the blue hydrangea, so we could remember her every spring as it blossoms.  But we are all very sad by her departure.  = (

As for the rest of the nursery, the rest of our girls are doing very well.  They are growing and showing us more of their personalities.  

Boots has found that she can fly to top of the oatmeal container we laid down in their nursery. We cut a hole in the end and one in the side and the pullets love to chase each other through it.  

Hazel has gotten even better at scratching.  She has dug all the way to the bottom through several inches of bedding.  I'm pretty proud of her scratching ability.  I look forward to her expert skills in the garden in a few months. 

The other girls seem to be thriving, though our flock is smaller than we'd hoped, we love them just the same.  And Tom loves just shouting out, "Hello, Little Chickens"!  They bring a lot of joy to our house.

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